Thursday, February 11, 2010

Declaring War against Germs!

I really hate being sick.  It just thows off my whole groove! 

Makes me want to the Emperor's New Groove just so I can hear them say "You've thrown off the Emperor's Groove" and watch them throw that guy out the window.  That is what I want to do with this stomach bug!
Everyone but Jonathon has come down with it.  Don't know how he got to be so lucky.  But I am not complaining about that.

I just live a very crazy- choatic- busy is an understatment sort of life.  I like having good things to do.
But being sick makes it so all I have the energy to do is sleep.

and sleep.

and sleep.

I don't have time to sleep.

So here is to Lysol and Bleach and scrubbing away to germs.....just gotta get out of bed to do it.

So I am trying to think through the fog and be grateful for something.  Oh I know, I am grateful for a very comfy bed to sleep/recover in.  And also grateful for heavy duty ckleaners that clean up the smell of being sick (you alll know what I am talking about - the vomit, the poop, the sweat....ewww. I know!)

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